Crowdfunding isn’t new!

When we think of crowdfunding our minds generally go straight to online platforms like that have seen great success in attracting small (& large) investment dollars from many people. In fact you can support all ranges of ideas from a a new bands music production to films, games, new cars, energy saving devices …. the list goes on!

Now, I’m not going to be so brave as to place a time and date on when the first ‘crowdfunding’ took place. It would have definitely been during a period before charities existed, even money as it is in our nature to help those around us, especially within families, the communities in which we live or groups we support. The collection of donations for charity to those less fortunate than ourselves is most definitely crowdfunding in its true form.

Businesses assist in crowdfunding to support projects based on their own belief systems, the people that buy products or services of those businesses in turn support the projects as well. Some businesses even build it into the experience of the their offering as well.

World Expeditions has been working with Free the Bears since 2005, providing unique eco-adventures for their consumers to visit sanctuaries in Cambodia, India, Laos and Vietnam.

Once such Free the Bears journey to India where nearly 600 bears have been saved visits the Agra Bear Sanctuary and travels south to the Bannerghatta Bear Rescue Centre. Where you have the opportunity to work at both sanctuaries and meet the very bears you are supporting. The Free term Bears CEO, Matt Hunt joins you at Bannerghatta where the last Dancing Bear was removed from the streets of India.

Besides bringing hundreds of Free the Bear supporters closer to the bears themselves, World Expeditions have so far donated more than $180, 000 towards their work! Great work World Expeditions!

Through Free the Bears you can in fact crowd fund support for these animals and sponsor you very own bear here – Sponsor a Bear

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