Deers, tears and a great surprise

You don’t have to be a celebrity to give back, in fact many people give back every day of their lives and ask for nothing in return.

Ms Cindi Grady a Waitress Missouri USA was having a run of bad luck, including having run into 5 deers in her car. In fact her car was so badly damaged that cosmetically it looked like a wreck.

This beaten up vehicle caught the attention of small business owners from Central Arkansas Tool Supply, Gary and Roxann Tackett of Quitman, Arkansas. They made some inquiries at the restaurant in which Cindi works and then went about replacing her beaten up vehicle with a much better one.

Gary & Roxann did this for no reason other than wanting to have a positive impact in peoples lives, they are role models within their community and #impactambassadors.

Support them by visiting their store –

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