Yao Ming, Prince William & David Beckham stand tall against ivory trade

If you were to be the person responsible for killing the last elephant on earth for its ivory, would you be proud ….  and I don’t mean just the person that physically kills the #lastelephant but the people responsible for the trade in their ivory and the end consumers. The price of ivory when this occurs will, by current trends, be so high it will only be purchased by the mega wealthy. The wholesale price of ivory in China has gone from approximately USD$750 in 2010 a kilogram to about $2100 a kilogram in just 4 years. What will it be in another 5 years.

Why is this? The wealthy are going to be responsible for wiping out one of the grandest animals on earth! Greed, prestige …. is it worth it? Former NBA star and Chinese icon, Yao Ming doesn’t think so and has launched a major public awareness campaign targeting consumption of ivory and rhino horn in China in partnership with WildAid, Save the Elephants, African Wildlife Foundation, and the Yao Ming Foundation.

We are all ambassadors you don’t need to be Yao Ming, Prince William or David Beckham to become an Impact Ambassador and stand against the trade in elephant, rhino or or tiger products. But, we do appreciate their help.

Join with people from China, the United States and around the globe in taking the Ivory Free pledge. Be IVORY FREE and do your part to end the massacre of Africa’s elephants.

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